OMG!!! German Man Gives Birth To A Baby Boy In UK (VIDEO)
A man can give a birth too!! This is the first man that gave birth to a baby. He is from Berlin, Germany..
In fact he represents himself as a man but has a female reproductive system.
The baby was born last year on March 18 th. The delivery was made in home conditions, because the hospitals has policy and ask for the mothers name in their records right after the child is born.
The delivery was made with a help of midwife in the Neuköln area of Berlin.
The delivery was made with a help of midwife in the Neuköln area of Berlin.
Transgender people are able to give birth, because although they undergoes hormone therapy to became physically masculine the female organs remain the same.
OMG!!! German Man Gives Birth To A Baby Boy In UK (VIDEO)
Reviewed by Alexandra