No Need to Waste Your Money Anymore: You Can Now Refresh or Dye Your Hair without Hair Dyes and Other Chemicals!
Even-though these dyes contain harmful chemicals that have side effects you have to dye your hair on every 10 days to cover gray hair and the ruts that are starting to show .
While looking for a solution for this common problem I came across a completely natural method to achieve the hair look you want, without exposing your scalp and hair to chemicals.
For a shiny hair, you need to mix:
-a tbsp of olive oil,
-a tbsp of honey, and
-an egg.
How to use it:
- wet your hair
- apply the mixture
Third :
- rub it into the scalp
Forth :
- put on a shower cap and leave the paste for half an hour.
Fifth :
- wash the hair as regularly.
For lighten your hair mix :
-4 tbsp of cinnamon powder and
-2 tbsp of honey.
How to use it:
-apply onto wet hair
– comb it
-wrap the hair in a plastic wrap
-let it sit for 2 to 3 hours
– rinse it off.
The longer you keep the mixture onto the hair, the lighter the shade will be.
Enjoy and stay beautiful …
No Need to Waste Your Money Anymore: You Can Now Refresh or Dye Your Hair without Hair Dyes and Other Chemicals!
Reviewed by Alexandra