Very Useful Homemade Stain Removal! The Results Will Surprise You !!!
Stains are part of our everyday life and they are everywhere : on our clothes, furniture, and even on our car seats and they are worst if they are made by our pets or our kids.
It’s important to know how to remove stains properly and the key is to remove them as soon as it appears.
Because the longer the stain is left untreated, the more it settles in, and at the end, it would be very hard to remove it efficiently.
How and Why Are Commercial Stain Removals Harmful?
In the market we can find a wide range of stain removals but as you may already know they are packed with harmful synthetic chemicals.
This chemicals boost the efficiency and extend the duration of their shelf-life but are unhealthy, can cause skin irritation, or induce an allergic reaction.
Also stain removals usually come in spray bottles so the air we are breathing gets contaminated .
How to Prepare a Homemade Stain Removal?
Completely natural way to remove any kind of stains without using any chemicals is this homemade perfectly safe spray .
The ingredients needed are probably in your home so this homemade universal stain removal is inexpensive and very effective in removing the most persistent stains.
Liquid soap (100 ml)
Mineral water (100 ml)
9% alcohol white vinegar (100 ml)
Mineral water (100 ml)
9% alcohol white vinegar (100 ml)
How to make it:
-mix all of the ingredients
-pour the mixture in a spray bottle.
How to use it:
Spray a little bit on the stains and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Take a brush and gently scrub the stain.
For older stains, you will probably have to repeat the procedure once again.
Using this homemade stain removal will help you remove any kind of stains very efficiently and protect yourself and your family from the harmful chemicals that are in the commercial stain removals ,plus you will save your money.
Very Useful Homemade Stain Removal! The Results Will Surprise You !!!
Reviewed by Alexandra