What Your Shape Of Forehead Says About You

Shapes of foreheads may vary from broad, narrow, straight, curved, or other shapes, and these different shapes can actually reveal something about one’s personality. Here are series of forehead shapes and their hidden meanings. Determine yours and see if the evaluation fits for you.

Broad Forehead

People with broad foreheads, especially women, do not like their forehead. It is also called 5-finger forehead, because it is too big. It takes a large part of one’s face. Many women prefer to hide it under their bangs, but why to do this, since you have to be proud of what you have. Broad forehead is a sign of high intelligence. People with such types of foreheads are extremely skilled. They are able to complete every task there are given, not only on time, but much earlier than the deadline. They do not need a lot of explanations. They have also a 6thsense and can sense when there is something about to happen much earlier than other people.

Narrow forehead
After we described the personality of people with broad forehead it is reasonable enough to turn our attention next to the complete opposite of the broad size – the narrow one. If broad forehead people are highly intelligent, this does not make people with narrow foreheads stupid. Not at all, but one of their most ostensible personality characteristics is that these people are very emotional. They listen their hearts most of the time and forget to use their rational mind. These people are often loners. It is not that they feel lonely, but they do not like crowds, and avoid being in the center of attention.
Straight forehead
You can see on the picture, this type of forehead is called straight, because of the straight hairline these people have. And since the shape is straight, what better personality feature than being straightforward. People with such foreheads are so strict that they would neglect their own happiness and needs just because rules do not say so. These people are also very gentle and dedicated. If they give their heart to somebody, it is for eternity. Of course, this does not mean that these people do not break up with their partners, it is just that they will forever cherish some moments with their loved ones, and will keep a special place in their heart for them. That is why it is a bit difficult to make such a person fall in love with you. You just need to really deserve it.
Curved forehead
Since there is a straight forehead, there should be a curved one, and as you can see on the picture, the curved forehead has curved hairline. These people are so vibrant and positive that light up a room when they come in. Everybody around them wants to make a good impression to them even unconsciously. These people are like a magnet for positive emotions and happy moments. They sometimes suffer because there are people who envy their popularity among other people and try to outshine them, even if this is a hard task
M-shaped forehead
This type of forehead looks like the letter M, because the middle part of their hairline is slightly protruding, forming 2 arches. If this is your type of forehead then you probably will not be surprised to notice that it is a sign of vivid imagination. And this mean really vivid. These people’s head is always in the clouds, they rarely come down to earth, because they find it a little boring. If there are so many interesting things that can happen in one’s mind, why they would choose to go back to reality?! Most of these people are quite artistic. They often become actors, artists, or writers.
Fuji mount-shaped forehead

These people’s forehead looks a bit like a mountain top, and that is why it is called this way. If you have such a forehead, you are lucky, because it is not only not a common one, but it also shows that you are gentle and kind person. You are very sociable. Do not have problem working with other people. You do not want to be the leader, but when you have to share your opinion you do it very confidently. You know what you want and how to achieve it.
Sharp forehead
People with such a forehead could be described with only one word, and this is “stubborn”. They would do anything to have the things going in their direction. Sometimes they would do it not because they need it, but because they want their desires to be fulfilled. They are often ironic in their everyday conversations, including the ones with people superior to them.

What Your Shape Of Forehead Says About You What Your Shape Of Forehead Says About You Reviewed by Alexandra on 14:53:00 Rating: 5
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