THIS Is The DAPL Memo The White House Doesn’t Want You To Know Exists

The Trump Administration has removed a strongly worded internal memo on the
Dakota Access Pipeline from the website of the Department of the Interior.

The memo includes clear recommendations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the actions that should be taken for legal reasons before granting a Dakota Access Pipeline right-of-way half a mile from the Standing Rock Sioux Nation Reservation.

The actions of the White House and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers go against every recommendation made!
Prior to the end of the Obama administration, the Army Corps solicited the Interior Department’s opinion on how treaty rights should be considered when making decisions on the pipeline project. The memo [PDF] dated December 4, 2016, shows Hilary C. Tompkins, the Interior Department’s top lawyer known as the solicitor, believed the Army Corps was on solid legal ground to deny the easement. On February 7, the Army Corps officially notified Congress that it would be granting the easement anyway.
Based off of the down-right evil history in the U.S. of not honoring tribal rights and interests, some would think the recommended actions would have been no-brainers years ago. Regardless, the solicitor spelled out the best and most legal course of action in 36-pages.

Recommendations Made in the Memo

Engage in government-to-government consultation with the Tribes.

The Corps’ own letter on November 14, 2016 prioritizes tribal consultation and input.

So just what actions have the White House and Army Corps taken since the memo was received?

On January 24, 2017 President Donald Trump signed the Executive Order, Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects, and four Presidential Memorandums that cover “Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens For Domestic Manufacturing”, “Construction of American Pipelines”, and “Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline”, and “Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.” The legalities of these presidential actions are still in question.
On February 7th,  The Army Corps officially notified the federal district court in Washington, D.C., as well as Congress that were rescinding the Notice of Intent to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement, something the tribes supported, fought for, and won in 2016. In the same letter the Corps announced they would be granting the final easement for the pipeline.

On February 8th, The right-of-way was granted as the Army Corps waived the two-week waiting period that should have taken place after notification to Congress – instead they only gave 24-hours.
On Feb 23rd, Water Protectors were evicted from the Missouri River flood plain where they had the Sacred Stone Camp. The camp was on tribal lands. According to the tribe, the Army Corps had no authority to evict them as the encampment was located on the ancestral homeland of the Lakota, Mandan, Arikara, and Northern Cheyenne – territory never ceded to the U.S. government, and affirmed in the 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie as sovereign land belonging to the Great Sioux Nation.

What You Can Do To Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

The Standing Rock Sioux Nation is on their last stand. We must continue to support them and the health of our world. Here are the two most important things you can do:
1. Join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous grassroots leaders and allies for a prayerful and peaceful March on Washington DC on March 10th, 2017
2.  Get your money out of the banks supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project and other Oil/Chemical Pipeline projects.Pull your money out of unconscientious banks and put your money into credit unions, into assets that are useful (garden supplies, sustainable living tools, trees, solar power systems, wind power systems, electric vehicles, wind turbines, etc.) and into gold and silver that you possess. Banks have already pulled out because of the divestment campaign! Contact 17 of the remaining banks HERE and tell them how you feel about their support of The Dakota Access Pipeline
THIS Is The DAPL Memo The White House Doesn’t Want You To Know Exists THIS Is The DAPL Memo The White House Doesn’t Want You To Know Exists Reviewed by Alexandra on 12:21:00 Rating: 5
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