The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss…
Although many people seem to think that weight loss and fat loss are one and the same thing, there is a world of difference between these two. When you start dieting and exercising, you don’t automatically lose fat. Sometimes you end up losing muscles, which is something you want to avoid. In order to start losing fat, you need to understand that losing weight is not as same as burning fat.
Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss…
You often hear people that say they want to lose weight when what they really want to do is lose fat. As a result of this mental approach to the problem, they start their journey on the wrong foot. Although they know how much they weigh, most of them don’t know how much of that is lean muscle mass, and how much is the body fat percentage. The get up on the scale thinking that if they lose 50 pounds they will be fine. As a result, they go on dieting, cutting down the calories and doing a lot of cardio exercises. However, as a result they just look smaller, but with high percentage of body fat.
Include Heavy Resistance Training…
Tailor Your Diet…
Of course, proper dieting is very important factor of your fat losing process. When dieting many people choose to completely cut out an important food group, thinking that in that way they are reducing the calorie intake. The truth is that this can do more damage to your body. When you drastically decrease your calorie intake while doing excessive amount of cardio exercises, you may end up losing muscles instead of fat. When you’re not providing your body with fuel for the muscles, they can’t build up. And, as we have stressed out before, you don’t want your weight loss to be muscle loss.
You want to shed the fat. The number of the scale are really not important. OK, they are important to some extent, but what matters more is what is your body fat percentage. What matters is how much lean muscle mass you have. That’s why, next time you want to shed some pounds from your body, don’t think about that as weight losing process, but as fat losing process. Your training and dieting should be tailored to help you in melting down fat. Include weight lifting training in your routine, take it easy on the cardio and eat balanced diet. Carbs, protein and fats must be included in your diet. Only by balancing these three ingredients you can achieve stabile and thorough weight loss.
The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss…
Reviewed by Alexandra