What An Anxiety Attack Looks Like With A Service Dog
Anxiety attacks can feel awful, intense, and frightening. Because they can be powerful experiences, it can seem like anxiety attacks are out of our control.
Those who experience anxiety attacks quickly learn that they can be highly unpleasant experiences. Even so, anxiety attacks and their symptoms can be successfully addressed with the right information, help, and support.
Symptoms of an anxiety attack can include:
- A feeling of overwhelming fear
- Feeling of going crazy or losing control
- Feeling you are in grave danger
- Feeling you might pass out
- A surge of doom and gloom
- An urgency to escape
- Dizziness
- Heart Palpitations
- Trembling
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pressure or pain
- Turning pale
- Feeling detached from reality
- Weak in the knees
- Burning skin
- Pins and needles
- Hot and cold flushes
- Numbness and tingling sensations
The above anxiety attack symptoms can be accompanied by:
- Choking sensation, tightening throat, it feels like your throat is closing, it feels like something is stuck in your throat
- Confusion
- Depersonalization (feeling detached from reality, separate from one-self, separate from normal emotions)
- Derealization (feeling unreal, in a dream-like state)
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, unsteadiness
- Emotional distress
- Emotional upset
- Inability to calm yourself down
- Knot in the stomach, tight stomach
- Nausea
- Panicky feeling
- Pounding, racing heart
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Sudden urge to go to the bathroom (urinate, defecate)
- Vomiting
- Feel like crying
WARNING THIS VIDEO IS A SIMULATED ANXIETY ATTACK. If this will trigger you or you simply don’t want to see what an anxiety attack looks like don’t watch it.
This is a very vulnerable subject. Morgan the girl in the video, suffers from extreme anxiety and has a service dog named Brantley to help her with these attacks. She wanted to show how her dog is trained to assist her in times of need. She states with the video that her attacks are about 10 mines worse in real life but she wanted to show an insight of her illness by simulating a calmer version.
Very honest she stated: “I do not care about the hate i will get because this will help at least one person.”
The angles of the video are not the best but the idea is very clear. Brantley is trained to not leave her alone, to prevent Morgan from hurting herself, to sooth her, and stop unwanted behaviors. That’s why he uses his paws, to stop her from hurting herself. This you can watch in the video below:
What An Anxiety Attack Looks Like With A Service Dog
Reviewed by Alexandra