7 Useful Things To Have In Your First Aid Kit For When Life Falls Apart

Life comes with certain pre-determined struggles. They can be diseases, mental trauma, accidents, relationship issues, and many more. But sometimes, you just feel like losing everything.

Like a black hole, hard times suck the life out your body. But in actuality, we can deal with it if we stop internalising it with our provoked silence. Getting out of the bed alive every morning is a gift in itself. Accept it and move ahead.

When ‘things fall apart’ use these 7 tools as your first aid kit to treat the bad situations you face:

1. Let your feelings be felt.

When you welcome something that is troubling you, interestingly, it stops bothering you. The same goes for your emotions. If you feel them, embrace them, welcome them; accept them then it is highly likely that they will not impact your life negatively. If you don’t understand them, it’s entirely okay. Just feel them with all your heart. Don’t try to over-analyse it. Let them out, do not ignore them.

2. Let others come into your life.

When someone listens to you, hears you out, you do feel privileged. That’s the beginning! Let other people help you in any way they can. Talk to them. Shutting your doors on such people will harm you in irreparable ways.

3. You’re never alone/lonely.

Always remember that your feelings cannot be unique but are experienced by all your fellow human beings. Somebody else must have felt and overcome the same in their lives as well. So, gain strength from their examples and try to push forward bravely.

4. Write everything out.

Writing heals. When you write your emotions on the paper, you cut down the loop in which you are stuck. Avoid censorship when you write. Write it in one go, let everything flow.

5. Be one with nature

Nature can be your best friend. It has immense healing powers that can help you with any problems of your life. Only, you have to let it. Take yourself on a visit to mother-nature. Move. Roam. Wander. Feel the air, murmuring of the streams, the rustling of the leaves, the smell of the grass, and pour everything out onto her. You will definitely feel better.

6. You’re definitely not dying?

Stop dramatising your situation. It is bad, we know. You are in pain, yes. But if you are still breathing it means you’re as alive as anyone can be. Don’t think that you are dying, as you are not! At least, not yet. Live your present and rest assured everything will be fine. Do not let that sense of doom overpower you. Be positive, be happy, only then will life seem rewarding.

7. This too shall pass.

An over-quoted line, but my favourite one! Everything passes and changes with time. Don’t get stuck with the hard times as the easy ones might be approaching you. You are alive, and that’s the only constant in your life. Remember that and sail through the voyage called life.
7 Useful Things To Have In Your First Aid Kit For When Life Falls Apart 7 Useful Things To Have In Your First Aid Kit For When Life Falls Apart Reviewed by Alexandra on 05:12:00 Rating: 5
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