This Incredibly Accurate Freudian Test Will Reveal What’s Hiding In Your Subconscious Mind

Sigmund Freud was one of the major contributors to the field of psychology. His influence was so vast that he was, and still is, considered to be the father of psychology by many. His theories were unconventionally controversial, but a part of them was pretty invoking.

The idea of a subconscious and an unconscious mind was originally proposed by Freud. He believed human behaviors, motives and actions were all guided by what lies in his subconscious and more importantly, his unconscious.
While succeeding psychologists took fragments of his theory and worked on them, a couple of them completely disregarded his theories. Irrespective of what these psychologists believed, Freud still continues to awe-struck people with his ideas.
Many of us are very curious. We want to know what guides our behavior. Why do we think the way we think? What lies under all the conscious thoughts? Where do random thoughts come from if we aren’t aware of them at first? There’s just too many questions!
Freud firmly believed in his theories. This belief resulted in testing methods which still continue to be famous amongst the masses.
Give this short Freudian Test a shot to uncover what lies in your subconscious. While you may be doing it for the sake of mere fun, what if it exposes what you have been trying to avoid all along? Hmm…..
Grab a pen and a paper. Let go of logic and while you read through these questions, try imagining the situations. Feel them.
1. You are peering into the sea. What do you feel?
2. You are in the forest. Your head is down. You’re walking in the forest while looking at the ground. Write down what you are feeling at this moment.
3. You observe seagulls fly above your head. How are you feeling now?
4. You are looking at running horses. How does it make you feel?
5. You are in a desert and there is a never-ending wall in front of you. You notice a hole in the wall and when you peak through it, you see an oasis. What are you going to do?

6. While you were wandering around the desert, you spot a jug full of water? What will you do now?
7. Its night and you get lost in the forest. Suddenly, you see a house with lights on. Think about the actions you will take.
8. There’s heavy fog and you are unable to see anything. What will be the first thing you will want to do?
Now, take a look at your answers. Use the answer key below to decipher what they mean.
1. It reflects your attitude to your life, your emotions and wants.
2. It signifies the way you feel about your family
3. This answer is your attitude toward women.
4. It is your attitude toward men.
5. The answer to this questions is your approach to solving problems.
6. It is how you choose your sexual partner.
7. It suggests your readiness for marriage and starting a family.
8. This answer mirrors your attitude toward death.

Image was originally made by Karl Kwasny
This Incredibly Accurate Freudian Test Will Reveal What’s Hiding In Your Subconscious Mind This Incredibly Accurate Freudian Test Will Reveal What’s Hiding In Your Subconscious Mind Reviewed by Alexandra on 13:46:00 Rating: 5
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