Signs That Will Reveal What Your Baby Wants To Tell You

Most new parents are terrified when they are left alone with their baby because they are afraid of the child’s health and wellbeing. They are sometimes desperately trying to understand all the signs their baby shows in order to find out what is causing the discomfort. So, we have created a list for all those parents that will help understand their baby easier.


Crying is the first method babies use to communicate with their parents. So, there are different ways they cry for each problem they have. For example, the first type is called a Calling cry. This means the baby wants you to pick it up and doesn’t want to be alone. They usually cry for about 5-6 seconds then stop for 20 seconds waiting for the results. The second type is called Hunger cry. As the name suggests, this is how the baby wants to tell you that it is hungry. However, there are certain things that differentiate this type of crying from others such as the baby might rotate their head or make a smacking sound indicating their hunger. And the third type of crying is called Sleepiness cry.  This means the baby is tired and wants to go to sleep. The noises babies make are similar to whining. All other reasons for a baby to cry might also be boredom or frustration.


Babies start making some sounds early in their lives. There are several sounds common to most babies. 1. “Neh” means “I am hungry”. This sound is produced when a baby opens its mouth and pushes the tongue out. 2. “Owh” means “I’m sleepy”. This sound is easy to interpret because it is also common in adults when they yawn due to being tired. 3. “Heh” means “I’m feeling uncomfortable”. Babies sometimes make this sound along with small movements such as facing away from someone they dislike or jerking their hands.


Body language is very helpful for figuring out what might be bothering your baby. Here are some common movements babies do. 1. Grabbing ears – If a baby touches only a certain body part, such as the ear it means they are exploring themselves. However, if it happens consistently, consult a doctor as the baby might be feeling pain. 2. Clenching the fists. This often indicates that the baby is hungry. 3. Lifting the legs. Unless the baby is being playful this may be a sign that it is having a stomach ache which it is trying to ease this way.


Doctors have already confirmed that babies are very sensitive and very observant about their surroundings. So, if they hear someone talking they will listen carefully and if there is a certain sound they are afraid of, it will always wake them up if they hear it when sleeping. Each movement the baby makes just means the baby is understanding the surroundings, so try not to panic all the time about everything your baby does.

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Signs That Will Reveal What Your Baby Wants To Tell You Signs That Will Reveal What Your Baby Wants To Tell You Reviewed by Alexandra on 05:12:00 Rating: 5
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