7 Tips for Vegan Weight Loss Diet!
Thanks to a vegan diet and regular exercise, it is known that many celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce succeeded in reaching the desired body weight within 22 days. These tips come from acknowledged author Kathy Freston, which will help you quickly lose weight and then maintain slim body line.
- Replace the milk with lactose free drinks
If you are vegetarians who consume milk and dairy products, Freston suggests replacing the milk with soy, rice or almond drinks.
- Consume a handful of nuts
Nuts contain proteins, good fats and fibers. That’s why you should add raw and unsalted nuts or seeds in your breakfast. They will boost your metabolism, which will result in rapid fat burning.
- Add flaxseed to your diet
Because vegans and vegetarians do not consume seafood, you must replace the need for omega-3 fatty acids with the help of flaxseed. Add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds within a meal at least once a day. It will not only help you to lose quickly the unwanted pounds, but will turn the good bacteria in the intensities as a powerful weapon against cancer.
- Eat super foods
Berries, chocolate, chia seeds, blueberries and kale are excellent super-foods or extremely strong groceries with a great nutritional value that increase vitality and energy, purify the body and improve the immune system.
- Increase the portion size of vegetables
Why during the meals only one kind of vegetables to be consumed when you can make a large salad with different types of nutrients? The more vegetables you eat, the more nutrients and water will enter your body, resulting in rapid weight loss.
- Stop consuming meat
Freston promotes diet without meat and recommends a gradual reduction of animal proteins in your diet. Slowly drop the habit of consuming meat so that you start consuming it only once a day or several times a week, and then over time stop consuming it completely. After several weeks your metabolism will speed up, and therefore the weight will be reduced.
- Control your portions
Big plate means more food. Therefore if you want to lose weight, use smaller plates.
7 Tips for Vegan Weight Loss Diet!
Reviewed by Alexandra