7 Reasons for Breast Pain
Breast pain is an unpleasant feeling that many women experience, especially during PMS. But beside the hormonal changes that precede the menstrual cycle, there are other reasons for the pain in your breasts. Read about the 7 most common, including the ways in which you can help yourself.
1. PMS
The most common cause of breast pain is the hormonal change during PMS. The pain is the strongest few days before the cycle and on the first day as well. Swelling and tenderness of the breasts are influenced by the changes in estrogen levels, and the pain disappears completely by the end of the cycle. Contraception pills can help with this pain
2. Excessive physical activity
You may have done more push-ups than usual, or you’ve started exercising with heavier weights. After completing the exercises, you may sense breast pain, but it actually comes from the muscles that are located just below the breast tissue. Their contractions can be the cause of sensitivity. Warm compress can help in easing the pain.
3. Stretched muscles
If you have moved furniture or have carried heavy bags, then there are chances that the pain is caused by stretching of the pectoral muscle located just below your breasts. In this case warm compresses can help.
4. Inadequate bra
When wearing a too tight or too small bra, the wires under the bra cups can press your breasts while causing unpleasant pain in them. Also, if your bra does not support your breasts appropriately, their constant movement during the day can make them extremely sensitive.
5. Inadequate sports bra
During exercise, your breasts must have a good support in order not to “hop” every time you move, which results in stretching of the breast tissue, especially if you have large breasts. A recent study has shown that every third female athlete feels pain in her chest, and therefore is very important to have a good sports bra.
6. Cysts in the breast tissue
If your breast tissue has nodes, then you are quite familiar with the breast sensitivity that occurs during the monthly cycle. Unequal breast tissue creates benign cysts filled with fluid that are sensitive to hormonal changes.
7. Excessive coffee consumption
Several studies have shown that avoiding caffeine can reduce pain in the chest, especially for those women who have nodes in the breast tissue.
7 Reasons for Breast Pain
Reviewed by Alexandra