I was walking the other day with my friend, and we were chatting about the weekend. It was Wednesday and I asked him what are his plans for the weekend. He told me that he would just wait for a meeting on Tuesday, and he will probably wait for that day and “kill time” over the weekend.
The I came over this video, and it made so much sense to me. I am in the thirties, thinking about money and security, but I am not that happy and fulfilled while I chase those things. We all know there is a “time” factor to earn money, but what if we all get stuck in that rat race and never get out of the road? What if we know these things, and keep on working a job we hate only for paycheck?
We all need to wake up! Not just wake up in 6AM to go to work, but literally wake up from the daydream.
We need to be more present, here in this very second. We need to do, as a matter of fact, we must do more things that make us happy. I’ve realized that if you get too caught chasing things, you will never be happy. We must set our goal higher than things or people.
This video bellow says it all, and it was a short wake up call for me!