Is It Possible To Heal Candida with These Ingredients?

Garlic, cinnamon and oregano are proved to be effective ingredients in the fight against Candida and should be consumed on a regular basis.
The fungus, including   candida, is considered to be normal inhabitant   in the human body, that is, they belong within its “physiological flora.”
They are balanced with other microorganisms, and in certain symbiosis they even have a beneficial effect.
Problems arise at the time when the mentioned balance is impaired and the result is extreme growth and reproduction of fungi in the body.

It has been proved that vaginal infections caused by Candida Albicans can also occur due to a lack of iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamin B12. Treatment against candida usually involves medication but the practice has shown it can also be effectively treated with ingredients.
Garlic, cinnamon and oregano are proved to be effective ingredients in the fight against Candida. The above mentioned foods should be consumed daily. Eg. Garlic will have a better effect if you eat it fresh, instead in cooked dishes. Nutritionists recommend one clove a day.

Cinnamon is an excellent spice not only for cakes but also for hot drinks. Put it in coffee, tea, and you will have a double effect – it improves the taste and abolishes the Candida. Oregano is ideal not only as a supplement to different kinds of pizzas, but taste perfectly with meat and stew.
Is It Possible To Heal Candida with These Ingredients? Is It Possible To Heal Candida with These Ingredients? Reviewed by Alexandra on 15:56:00 Rating: 5
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